Friday, October 4, 2013

Birds at Botanical Garden, Hyderabad

An early morning visit in fresh air to the neighbouring Botanical Garden is always a pleasure. With my new camera, the visit proved to be quite eye-catching and fruitful (or birdful!!). The area of the gardens is enormous with a lengthy walking track around the perimeter. The track is less occupied as compared to the common entrance areas of the garden which are heavily tenanted.

Here are some of the captures below - (still learning about birds, and any corrections/information related to identification are appreciated)

View enlarged photos by clicking on them.

White-browed wagtail
Spotted outside the garden in the parking area itself.

Unable to see this clearly - in the sun!
Perched on a branch amongst the many trees in the garden

A Green Bee Eater
Many of these were kindly perched on the wires running along the perimeter

A beautiful peacock

The Common Jezebel
Might be common enough, yet so colourful.

Common Crow Butterfly
Another of these brown beauties

Spotted Dove
What elegance and sharpness of eyes!!

One of the many colourful flowers of Botanical Garden

Common Kingfisher
How amazingly bright are these birds? This one was spotted far away across the lake.

Don't be shy! A sunbird

Another Spotted Dove
I love these eyes.

Another gorgeous Green Bee-Eater

Little Cormorant

Yellow-billed babbler


  1. Nice captures but black drongo doesn't look correct

  2. Nice pics. What cam u using Arun?

    Btw, 2nd last is a Little Cormorant (
    Black Drongos are mostly seen sitting on wires (like Green Bee-eaters). And u can identify them by the clearly split tail:

  3. Corrected :). Thanks, both.

    Camera: Not a DSLR but advanced point-n-shoot. Sony HX 300.

  4. The photos of birds and flowers are beautiful.
